Kyoto Animation Arson Attack Update Sesion 2020. The suspect in the kyoto animation arson attack visited locations featured in one of the company’s anime series in the days before the attack, according to investigators. Aoba confessed to setting the studio on fire with gasoline.
While ishida regularly worked at kyoto animation's studio 2, she was present at studio 1 on the day of the kyoto animation arson attack which targeted the building, and was killed alongside 34 others. Studio was arrested wednesday on suspicion of murder and other offenses after being judged to have recovered. Arson attack at japan anime studio kills 33.
Suspected arson attack on japanese anime studio leaves 33 dead 7:07am, 19 jul, 2019.
The following is a chronology of major events related to the arson attack on kyoto animation co. Local fire department confirms the deaths of 33. The studio is hiring once again. Almost a year since a devastating arson attack destroyed its building and killed dozens of its employees, kyoto animation is rising from the ashes.