Hanako Kun Anime Season 2 Full HD 4K. After the series made a season final with the episode “the little mermaid”, the fans started the wonder the status of the next season and the release date of the 2nd season of the anime series. For where to watch anime, see our list of streaming sites or search on livechart.me for specific shows.
The first season comes to an end on a rather inconclusive note where hanako, nene, and kou are still exploring the other undiscovered seven wonders of kamome academy but the hell of mirrors arc has reach. Toilet bound hanako kun season 2 will be released in spring 2021. Season 1 of the anime was extremely loyal to the original manga series, which is becoming quite rare within the genre’s latest releases.
The manga is still going and there's still a lot of unanswered questions especially about hanako's backstory.
The anime will also be released on amazon prime videos and you all can choose wherever you want to watch it. Toilet bound hanako kun season 2 release date. So season 2 is likely but not confirmed yet. For source of fanarts, try saucenao.