Ghost Stories Anime Dub Rabbit Full HD 4K. The series is based around the lives of five school children—satsuki miyanoshita, keiichirō miyanoshita, hajime aoyama, reo kakinoki, and momoko. A group of school kids and a cat who fight ghosts.
The series is based around the lives of five school children—satsuki miyanoshita, keiichirō miyanoshita, hajime aoyama, reo kakinoki, and momoko. 1.8m members in the anime community. 1 dubbing history 2 cast 2.1 adv dub 2.1.1 episodic characters 2.1.2 additional voices 2.2 animax dub 3 notes 4 video releases 5 external links ghost stories was picked.
1 dubbing history 2 cast 2.1 adv dub 2.1.1 episodic characters 2.1.2 additional voices 2.2 animax dub 3 notes 4 video releases 5 external links ghost stories was picked.
The original is quite forgettable and not worth your time, but the infamous dub is definitely worth watching. Ghost stories (subbed) episode 20 farewell, amanojaku — the descent of ohma episode 19. A lot of the reviews are bashing the show for having a cheesy narrator. In japan, ghost stories is the anime version of goosebumps.a group of kids takes on different supernatural entities based on folklore and urban legends each week.