Darwin S Game Anime Review Best Quality Image. Sudo kaname is a high school student that gets an invite for an app for an online game from a friend. It was available on crunchyroll so anyone watches the animation series.
Then now is your chance to be the first to share your review about “darwin’s game” with our community by creating a review thread for it and posting. Tidak ada penurunan ataupun peningkatan berarti untuk anime ini. Darwin’s game (ダーウィンズゲーム) is an interesting anime in that it’s better than you would initially suspect based on the synopsis.
I highly advice on skipping this one.
Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel ini. It lacks suspense, the characters are all pretty much generic stereotypes, animation and art are generic at best and soundtrack is forgettable outside of op and ed songs, that may fancy to some readers taste. A friend of kaname’s is hunted down in a darwin’s game death match, causing him to send kaname an. Dari namanya aja kayak nostalgia akan sesuatu yaa.anime ini sendiri sudah selesai dengan total 11 episode pada tanggal 21 maret lalu.terus seperti apa sih cerita […]