Anime Ghost Girl Roommate Best Quality Image. When she enters college, buffy finds herself with the roommate from hell in living conditions who has numerous annoying habits. Kana is not amused by the accident between daikichi and utako in chapter 15.
Hazuki does not give up easy and does his best to free rokka from the ghost. In the anime, sayaka's story was different. 20 years into the 21st century, people have forgotten all about the.
Unrelated people who live together in a house, a dormitory room, or in an apartment unit.
When she enters college, buffy finds herself with the roommate from hell in living conditions who has numerous annoying habits. The story is based mostly around the 4 parties and them trying to 'invade' the apartment room, which is for some reason, special to them. She knows it's nothing more than an accident, and it's not like she has anything to worry about anyway, but still. Simply put, the cute ghost girl is a female member of the cast who just so happens to be a ghost.