91 Days Anime Plot Full HD 4K. His parents and younger brother have been mercilessly slaughtered by the vanetti mafia family. Tsukushi tsukamoto (reino unido ts ts ts, tsukamoto tsukushi) he is the main character of days and freshmen at seiseki high school, where he joined the football club despite being a beginner.
His squad number is# 17. Bonus points go to this assassin anime for never turning an eye to the violence that ensues within its plot. This wiki contains and heavy spoilers.
His squad number is# 17.
Watch anime online and download in high quality 1080p| 720p| 480p| 360p| 240p|. But it doesn’t offer anything to the plot. Avilio returns to lawless after some time away, following the murder of his family in a mafia dispute there. Top 10 anime plot twists.